Set Base Name
From Original War Support Wiki
Tutorials -> Set Base Name
Tutorial By: Radzio
How to give the name to a base?
It`s easy. I`ll show you how to do this.
Extract file Texts\BNames.wri from Data1.owp or create your own in mod_directory\Texts. Now if you extracted the file, you can use one of examples but if not, you should write in your file:
//keep first line empty identifier //identifier used in SAIL (max 10 characters!) base name //real base name //the last line also should be empty
Note: Remember about empty lines between previous and next name. Remember that texts after // are only a comments, don`t write them in real file.
Now you can use in SAIL following command:
SetBName(building identifier,'name identifier')
Where the "building name" is an identifier of depot and the "name identifier" is an identifier of name defined in BNames.wri.
Additionally you can display the integers 0 to 9 as the base name without using BNames.wri by using the syntax
SetBName(building_identifier, '@' & integer);