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SAIL Constants

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Tutorials -> SAIL Constants

SAIL Constants


Unit Related

Unit type

 unit_human = 1
 unit_vehicle = 2
 unit_building = 3
 unit_crate = 4

Unit nation

 nation_nature = 0
 nation_american = 1
 nation_arabian = 2
 nation_russian = 3
 nation_arabian_music = 4

Bounds of unit's life

 hranice_umirani = 250
 hranice_zraneni = 500
 hranice_zdravi = 1000

Human (Apeman) Related

Gender of Human / Apeman

 sex_male = 1
 sex_female = 2

Attributes of Human / Apeman

 attr_stamina = 1
 attr_speed = 2

Skills of Human / Apeman

 skill_combat = 1
 skill_engineering = 2
 skill_mechanical = 3
 skill_scientistic = 4

Class of Human / Apeman

 class_soldier = 1
 class_engineer = 2
 class_mechanic = 3
 class_scientistic = 4
 class_sniper = 5
 class_mortar = 8
 class_bazooker = 9
 class_desert_warior = 11
 class_apeman = 12
 class_baggie = 13
 class_tiger = 14
 class_apeman_soldier = 15
 class_apeman_engineer = 16
 class_apeman_kamikaze = 17
 class_phororhacos = 18
 class_frog = 19
 class_fish = 20

Classtype of Human / Apeman (deprecated)

 classtype_soldier = 1
 classtype_engineer = 2
 classtype_mechanic = 3
 classtype_scientist = 4
 classtype_noble = 5
 classtype_apeman = 6
 classtype_critter = 7
 classtype_tiger = 8

Vehicle Related

Engine of Vehicle

 engine_combustion = 1
 engine_solar = 2
 engine_siberite = 3

Control of Vehicle

 control_manual = 1
 control_remote = 2
 control_computer = 3
 control_rider = 4
 control_apeman = 5

Chassis of Vehicle

 us_light_wheeled = 1
 us_medium_wheeled = 2
 us_medium_tracked = 3
 us_heavy_tracked = 4
 us_morphling = 5
 ar_hovercraft = 11
 ar_light_trike = 12
 ar_medium_trike = 13
 ar_half_tracked = 14
 ru_medium_wheeled = 21
 ru_medium_tracked = 22
 ru_heavy_wheeled = 23
 ru_heavy_tracked = 24

Weapon of Vehicle

 us_machine_gun = 2
 us_light_gun = 3
 us_gatling_gun = 4
 us_double_gun = 5
 us_heavy_gun = 6
 us_rocket_launcher = 7
 us_siberium_rocket = 8
 us_siberium_rocket_remainder = 15
 us_laser = 9
 us_double_laser = 10
 us_radar = 11
 us_cargo_bay = 12
 us_crane = 13
 us_bulldozer = 14
 ar_multimissile_ballista = 22
 ar_light_gun = 23
 ar_double_machine_gun = 24
 ar_gatling_gun = 25
 ar_flame_thrower = 26
 ar_gun = 27
 ar_rocket_launcher = 28
 ar_selfpropelled_bomb = 29
 ar_radar = 30
 ar_control_tower = 31
 ar_cargo_bay = 32
 ru_heavy_machine_gun = 42
 ru_gatling_gun = 43
 ru_gun = 44
 ru_rocket_launcher = 45
 ru_heavy_gun = 46
 ru_rocket = 47
 ru_siberium_rocket = 48
 ru_siberium_rocket_remainder = 55
 ru_time_lapser = 49
 ru_cargo_bay = 51
 ru_crane = 52
 ru_bulldozer = 53

Building Related

Building Type

 b_depot = 0
 b_warehouse = 1
 b_workshop = 2
 b_factory = 3
 b_armoury = 4
 b_barracks = 5
 b_lab = 6
 b_lab_half = 7
 b_lab_full = 8
 b_lab_basic = 9
 b_lab_weapon = 10
 b_lab_siberium = 11
 b_lab_computer = 12
 b_lab_biological = 13
 b_lab_spacetime = 14
 b_lab_opto = 15
 b_ext_track = 16
 b_ext_gun = 17
 b_ext_rocket = 18
 b_ext_noncombat = 19
 b_ext_radar = 20
 b_ext_siberium = 21
 b_ext_radio = 22
 b_ext_stitch = 23
 b_ext_computer = 24
 b_ext_laser = 25
 b_oil_power = 26
 b_solar_power = 27
 b_siberite_power = 28
 b_oil_mine = 29
 b_siberite_mine = 30
 b_breastwork = 31
 b_bunker = 32
 b_turret = 33
 b_teleport = 34
 b_fort = 35
 b_control_tower = 36
 b_eon = 38
 b_behemoth = 37
 b_alien_tower = 39

Building Status

 bs_error = 0
 bs_build = 1
 bs_idle = 2
 bs_working = 3
 bs_pause = 4
 bs_suspend = 5
 bs_need_people = 6
 bs_need_power = 7
 bs_need_extension = 8
 bs_need_ape = 10
 bs_waiting = 9

Building Attributes

 bfo_defend_bonus_human = 1
 bfo_defend_bonus_vehicle = 2
 bfo_defend_bonus_building = 3
 bfo_range = 10
 bfo_height = 20

Technology Related


 tech_SolPow = 35
 tech_SolEng = 45
 tech_OilPow = 46
 tech_OilEng = 47
 tech_ApeLang = 1
 tech_ApePsych = 2
 tech_ApeAgres = 11
 tech_ApeNeural = 3
 tech_ApeBrain = 4
 tech_StimDrugs = 5
 tech_Radar = 6
 tech_MatDet = 7
 tech_BioDet = 8
 tech_MatPred = 9
 tech_LasSight = 12
 tech_Soporific = 13
 tech_Laser = 10
 tech_LasDouble = 14
 tech_RemCont = 15
 tech_RemCharge = 18
 tech_PartInvis = 16
 tech_HidCam = 17
 tech_SibDet = 20
 tech_SibLoc = 19
 tech_SibPow = 21
 tech_SibEng = 22
 tech_Behemoth = 23
 tech_Artifact = 24
 tech_SibFiss = 25
 tech_SibContam = 26
 tech_TauRad = 28
 tech_SpacAnom = 29
 tech_TauField = 30
 tech_Lapser = 31
 tech_LimTeleport = 37
 tech_TargTeleport = 38
 tech_AI = 32
 tech_AdvAI = 27
 tech_Virus = 33
 tech_AdvChassis = 36
 tech_Flame = 70
 tech_Gatling = 69
 tech_Gun = 39
 tech_AdvMet = 34
 tech_Rocket = 40
 tech_AdvRocket = 71
 tech_Mortar = 41
 tech_Explos = 42
 tech_SelfDest = 43
 tech_Bazooka = 44
 tech_Tech1 = 48
 tech_Tech2 = 49
 tech_Tech3 = 50
 tech_Weap1 = 51
 tech_Weap2 = 52
 tech_Weap3 = 53
 tech_Sib1 = 54
 tech_Sib2 = 55
 tech_Sib3 = 56
 tech_Comp1 = 57
 tech_Comp2 = 58
 tech_Comp3 = 59
 tech_Opto1 = 60
 tech_Opto2 = 61
 tech_Opto3 = 62
 tech_ST1 = 63
 tech_ST2 = 64
 tech_ST3 = 65
 tech_Bio1 = 66
 tech_Bio2 = 67
 tech_Bio3 = 68

Research States

 state_disabled = 0
 state_enabled = 1
 state_researched = 2  

Filter Related

 f_and = 1
 f_or = 2
 f_not = 3
 f_type = 21
 f_side = 22
 f_nation = 23
 f_lives = 24
 f_class = 25
 f_sex = 26
 f_minskill = 28
 f_maxskill = 29
 f_btype = 30
 f_chassis = 31
 f_engine = 32
 f_control = 33
 f_weapon = 34
 f_bweapon = 35
 f_ok = 50
 f_alive = 51
 f_placed = 52
 f_ready = 53
 f_inside = 54
 f_driving = 55
 f_outside = 56
 f_constructed = 57
 f_empty = 58
 f_occupied = 59
 f_hastask = 60
 f_linked = 61
 f_enemy = 81
 f_ally = 82
 f_neutral = 83
 f_dist = 91
 f_distxy = 92
 f_inarea = 95
 f_exceptarea = 96
 f_see = 101

Unit Selection Window Related

 sel_hired = -1
 sel_not_hired = -2
 sel_changeable = -3
 sel_not_changeable = -4
 sel_change_class = -5
 sel_dont_change_class = -6
 sel_ignore_class_nation = -7
 sel_dont_ignore_class_nation = -8


Side Attitudes

 att_neutral = 0
 att_friend = 1
 att_enemy = 2


 mat_cans = 1
 mat_oil = 2
 mat_siberit = 3
 mat_none = 0
 mat_artefact = 4
 mat_artifact = 4
 mat_multi = 5
 source_oil = 1
 source_siberium = 2
 cargo_unit = 10

Macros options (general)

 mc_move_wait = 1
 mc_move_through = 2
 mc_move_waitwp = 3
 mc_move_dontshoot = 4
 mc_move_dontcapture = 5
 mc_move_agressive = 6
 mc_move_ownstuck = 7
 mc_base_cont = 1
 mc_reg_refresh_time = 1
 mc_reg_area_to_guard = 2
 mc_reg_area_to_protect = 3
 mc_reg_units_to_protect = 4
 mc_reg_units_to_guard = 10
 mc_reg_expire_stops_to_attack = 5
 mc_reg_expire_leaves_area = 6
 mc_reg_ignore_fog = 7
 mc_reg_only_important = 8
 mc_reg_buildings = 9
 mc_def_advantage = 1
 mc_area_dont_leave = 2
 mc_def_change_to_soldiers = 3
 mc_def_change_to_mechanics = 4
 mc_retreat_lives_people = 5
 mc_retreat_lives_vehicles = 6
 mc_retreat_area_people = 7
 mc_retreat_area_vehicles = 8
 mc_out_of_fuel = 9
 mc_no_stop = 10
 mc_pat_aggresive = 11
 mc_murder = 12
 mc_done_killed_by_reg = -2
 mc_done_killed = -1
 mc_done_normal = 0
 mc_done_no_people = 1

Macros options (skirmish)

 mcs_Build = 1
 mcs_Upgrade = 2
 mcs_Tech = 3
 mcs_Veh = 4
 mcs_Fort = 5
 mcs_Fort_Upgrade = 6
 mcs_Mat = 7
 mcs_Blank = 8
 mcs_depot_pos = 1
 mcs_armoury_pos = 2
 mcs_fact_pos = 3
 mcs_lab_pos = 4
 mcs_power_pos = 5
 mcs_defend_pos = 6
 mcs_ext_pos = 7
 mcs_oilmine_pos = 8
 mcs_sibmine_pos = 9
 mcs_teleport_pos = 10
 mcs_tower_pos = 11
 mcs_behemoth_pos = 12
 mcs_PosList = 1
 mcs_Strategy = 2
 mcs_Parking = 3

Macros options (repair)

 mcr_hum_area = 1
 mcr_veh_area = 2
 mcr_area_only = 3
 mcr_hum_limit = 4
 mcr_veh_limit = 5
 mcr_bui_limit = 6
 mcr_safety = 7
 mcr_repv_area = 8
 mcr_capv_area = 9
 mcr_repb_area = 10
 mcr_capb_area = 11

Macros options (withdraw)

 mcw_hum_lo = 4
 mcw_hum_hi = 5
 mcw_veh_lo = 6
 mcw_veh_hi = 7
 mcw_hum_area = 1
 mcw_veh_area = 2
 mcw_corpse_area = 8


 art_no = 0
 art_gray = 1
 art_instant = 2
 art_place = 3
 art_unit = 4
 art_human = 5
 art_vehicle = 6
 art_building = 7
 art_friend_unit = 8
 art_friend_human = 9
 art_friend_vehicle = 10
 art_friend_building = 11
 art_enemy_unit = 12
 art_enemy_human = 13
 art_enemy_vehicle = 14
 art_enemy_building = 15
 art_exp_left = 1
 art_exp_mid = 2
 art_exp_right = 3
 art_use_eye = 4
 art_use_sibexplosion = 5
 art_use_teleport = 6
 art_use_atom = 7
 art_use_cube = 8
 art_use_power = 9
 art_use_human = 10
 art_use_dead = 11
 art_use_exclamation = 12
 art_use_hand = 13
 art_use_tau = 14
 art_use_sibdestruct = 15


 music_auto = 0
 music_combat = 1
 music_prep = 2
 music_recon = 3
 music_victory = 4
 music_menu = 5

See Also

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