From Original War Support Wiki
SAIL Events -> Command
This event appears when a unit receives a command from the player or by using SAIL.
Exported Values
number - an integer representing the command
List of commands
- 47 - ComTurnXY
- 65 - ComAttackUnit
- 66 - ComConstruct
- 69 - ComEnterUnit for vehicles
- 70 - ComFree
- 72 - ComHold
- 73 - ComInvisible
- 76 - ComHeal
- 77 - ComMoveXY
- 80 - ComChangeProfession
- 81 - ComRecycle
- 82 - ComRepairVehicle
- 83 - ComStop
- 84 - ComTameXY
- 85 - ComExitVehicle
- 89 - ComDismantle
- 92 - ComTurnUnit
- 95 - ComPause
- 97 - ComAgressiveMove
- 99 - ComCollect
- 105 - ComResearch
- 107 - ComMoveToArea
- 109 - ComMoveUnit
- 114 - ComRepairBuilding
- 117 - ComExitBuilding
- 120 - ComCancel
- 124 - ComAttackPlace
- 135 - ComEnterUnit for buildings
- 141 - exit and repair vehicle