From Original War Support Wiki
SAIL Functions/M -> McAttack
SAIL Functions/MacrosRelated -> McAttack
Added In: 1.02
Runs McAttack macro and returns its mcid.
There must be running McRegistry macro to start McAttack - enemies are registered by that McRegistry. McAttack starts after each registration.
When McRegistry returns no fully alive (and dying if mc_murder is set) units, this macro ends unless the mc_no_stop is set.
VariableToKeepMacroID := McAttack(prior:integer, regid:integer, units:plist, options:plist);
Prior is an integer defining macro's priority.
Regid is an integer defining registry's id (returned by McRegistry).
Units is a list of units which will follow macro's orders.
Options is a list of options (keep it in [ ]!). These are currently available:
[mc_area_dont_leave, defarea] area that units cannot leave (default none) [mc_retreat_lives_people, lives] retreat people with lives below the value [mc_retreat_lives_vehicles, lives] retreat vehicles with lives below the value [mc_retreat_area_people, defarea] area to retreat people (default none) [mc_retreat_area_vehicles, defarea] area to retreat vehicles (default none) [mc_out_of_fuel, fuel] raises an event when vehicle's fuel gets below the value (-)mc_no_stop make attackers look for new enemies in registered areas forever (default false) (-)mc_murder make attackers kill dying enemy units (default false)
If you don't need any options (= default matches your needs), you should leave the list empty. Options in [ ] mean that they need additional parameter (the second one in [ ]). (-) means that this option is true/false. When written with -, it will be set to false, otherwise true. Note that defarea can be given in two formats, as an integer (area identifier) or as [x, y, r].